Attached is the UBWO approved list 2014. It represents the revenue initiative that we did not build into the budget OP 2014. The numbers in the list represent the plan that you have when you submit the UBWO for approval. It does not represent the actual cost e.g. you plan to hire 1 FTE in Feb but as there is no suitable candidate you only hire in Mar, therefore the actual cost and the amount in the UBWO could be different.
I have phase out the UBWO funding into monthly average so that it is easy to track. It is important to have approved UBWO so that we have funding to carry out extra jobs. You can use the funding from UBWO to add on to your original budget OP 2014.
The list is what we have in the portal and I will use to track your financial. If you have any other UBWO that I have missed please let me know.