Dear Mr Sunt / Mr Artapol.
I have a meeting with SLRT today, on the ripple fins for their evaporator coils.
I have tried to convince them & seek their OK, to accept these finished ripple fin coils as they of ‘better’ quality & ready for shipment, otherwise have to wait for another 3 weeks.
YES, the supervisors understand that they are getting a bigger area for the coils & the efficiency should be better, compared to the normal straight fins.
They request that Thai Ausnor to give them an undertaking letter to mention -
The number of row of fins are the same as previously supplied
The performance of the ripple fins is the same or better due to the the bigger area
The efficiency of the ripple fins is also much improved & energy saving
These evaporator coils will function similarly
No compromising on quality or shelf life
The supervisors will present this letter to their managers & engineers, who will go the decision on the acceptance.
Looking forward for your early reply on this matter.
Yours Truly