The original Agricultural Science Curriculum subscribes to the above believe and was used in our schools effectively , so much so that to this day , the garden and quiz
competitions are dynamic aspects of the curriculum in the primary schools of the republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Revision of this curriculum started in 1998 and is now completed, having been piloted successfully in over two hundred [200] schools in the eight Educational
This Draft {2001} has been modified using feedback from Primary Schools Principals, teachers as well as pupils, parents, Schools Supervisors and Curriculum
This Curriculum introduces the integrated approach to teaching Agricultural Science at the primary level. Its main premise is to guide teachers in the creation of
effective learning experience leading to the development of skills and basic concepts in Agricultural Science.
The Curriculum is also intended to focus the pupils’ minds on the importance of the preservations of the environment as well as on developing technologies in modern
day agriculture.
The content of this curriculum exposes the pupil to agriculture as a career and attempts to clear misconceptions about agricultural pursuits.