In summary, the effects of rubber particles used as fine aggre-
gate replacement on the mechanical properties of lightweight
aggregate concrete were investigated. Based on the findings of this
study, the following items may be drawn:
The addition of rubber particles can decrease the slump value of
lightweight aggregate concrete. The dry unit weight of hard-
ened rubberized lightweight aggregate concrete decreases with
the increasing replacement level.
Significant reduction in compressive strength, flexural strength
and splitting tensile strength was recorded in mixtures contain-
ing rubber particles. The most reduction of strength occurs
when the replacement ratio was lower than 50%.
The reduction in static modulus of elasticity indicates higher
flexibility, which can be viewed as a positive gain in rubberized
lightweight aggregate concrete mixtures.
The normal strength lightweight aggregate concrete applica-
tions containing rubber particles could be produced, and it
can be used in no primary structures, such as building exterior
wall, partition walls, sidewalks, crash barriers and paving, etc.
Hence, the future for large-scale recycling of waste tires as fine
aggregate in lightweight aggregate concrete is also promising, and
this will inevitably bring about huge environmental and sustain-
ability benefits