The chemical composition of spaghetti with added banana flour,the control spaghetti and their respective flours (banana and durum wheat flour) is presented in Table 1. The moisture content of spaghetti decreased when banana flour level in the spaghetti in-creased. This pattern is related to the decrease in the protein con-tent with the increase of banana flour in the spaghetti, where thenetwork produced by the gluten is reduced and consequently theseparation of water during the drying is higher. A similar trend was found by Pacheco-Delahaye (2001), who reported that moisture content decreased when banana flour level in the product in-creased. Low-moisture content is important in the shelf-life of food products. The fat content did not change with the addition of banana flour, but the ash content increased when the banana flour amount in the spaghetti rose. A similar pattern was observed in samples of spaghetti containing light buckwheat and dark buckwheat (Rayas-Duarte et al., 1996). However,Goñi and Valentín-Gamazo (2003)reported an increase in both the fat an dash contents in spaghetti with added chickpea flour.