Bays off circulation routes can be
provided for children to sit and talk,
rest, re-orientate or calm down and let
others pass – but they need to allow
clear sightlines and passive supervision,
since hidden spaces can encourage
inappropriate behaviour.
There should be outdoor access for
curriculum and social activities and
for means of escape but it should be
controllable for safety and security,
especially where there is a possibility
that children might try to run out of
school. (See Fire evacuation,
page 159.)
NB Special schools need greater
overall area for circulation than a
mainstream school – usually at least 25
per cent of the gross internal floor area.
Circulation spaces should have:
• clear signage with easily understood
contrast, signs and symbols at an
appropriate height
• tamper-proof fittings, no projection
points, and hazards clearly identified
• good lighting and views out, but
avoiding glare
• robust, easily maintained finishes
• good acoustics