The abundance and population structure of pseudomonads in soils collected from long-(1006 years) and short-(54 years) term grapevine monocultures in Switzerland were examined across five soil horizons within the 1.20–1.35 m range. Soil samples were baited with grapevine, and rhizosphere pseudomonads containing the biocontrol genes phlD (2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol synthesis) and/or hcnAB (hydrogen cyanide synthesis) were analyzed by MPN-PCR. The numbers of total, phlD+ and hcnAB+ pseudomonads decreased with depth by 1.5–2 log (short-term monoculture) and 3–3.5 log (long-term monoculture). In addition, the percentages of phlD+ (except in short-term monoculture) and hcnAB+ pseudomonads were also lower in deeper horizons. RFLP-profiling of phlD+ and hcnAB+ pseudomonads revealed three phlD and twelve hcnAB alleles overall, but the number of alleles for both decreased in relation to depth. The only phlD allele found in deeper horizons was also found in topsoil, whereas one hcnAB allele (k) found in deeper horizons in long-term monoculture was absent in the topsoil. This suggests that certain Pseudomonas ecotypes are adapted to specific depths. Four hcnAB alleles enabled discrimination between monocultures. We conclude that soil depth is a factor selecting phlD and hcnAB genotypes, and that the allelic diversity of the two biocontrol genes decreases with depth.