Most of the people who appear most often in history books are great conquerors. Strangely enough, the people who really helped the civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who made the first boat or calculated the length of the year ; but we know our killers and destroyers. We raise statues to them simply because they fought bravely. But even animals fight. So do savages. To fight is not to be civilized. Moreover, there are other ways of settling quarrels among men or nations. So really civilized people have been those who have brought peace and happiness to mankind. They have been prophets, saints, doctors, inventors and discoverers who instead of inflicting pain and hardship upon humanity, have healed their wounds. In stead of killing they have saved human lives. They are really civilized and deserve our admiration and respect.
1) Who are the people that generally appear in history books ?
2) Is fighting a mark of civilization ? Why ?
3) Who are truely civilized ?
4) Why do they deserve our admiration and respect ?
5) Give a suitable title .