Femto cells have been integrated into 4G Long
Term Evolution (LTE) cellular network architecture to efficiently
address the coverage and capacity issues faced in indoors and at
hotspots. Though spectral efficiency increases through frequency
reuse one at Femtos, it could lead to co-tier interference and
cause higher interference for cell edge User Equipments (UEs).
This problem is more severe in enterprise and hotspot Femto
deployments due to dense placement of Femtos. Existing co-tier
interference management techniques do not solve this problem
completely. Hence, in this paper, we propose a Variable Radius
(VR) algorithm which dynamically increases or decreases the cell
edge/non-cell edge region of Femtos and efficiently allocates the
radio resources among cell edge/non-cell edge region of Femtos so
that the co-tier interference between neighboring Femtos can be
avoided. We implemented the proposed VR algorithm on top of
Proportional Fair (PF) scheduling algorithm in NS-3 simulator.
In our experiments, for 90 UEs the proposed technique (VR +
PF) achieved 29% and 38% improvement in average throughput
for static and mobile scenarios, respectively when compared