Figure 3. Forest Plot of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Depression Stratified by Baseline DepressionSeverityTrials in which participants were at least moderately depressed on average before startingtreatment reported a greater efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids when compared to trials inwhich participants were only mildly depressed (test for subgroup differences: χ2 = 11.7, df= 1 (P < 0.0006), I2 = 91%). For stratification of trials by baseline depression severity weused traditional cutoffs for the HAM-D-17 (mild: <18, moderate: 18-28, severe: >28) 19.Trials that measured initial depression severity on scales other than the HAM-D-17 wereconverted to this scale based on previously defined algorithms 20. Abbreviation: CI=confidence interval.
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