CHAPTER 10 Encryption
Keeping secrets by disguising them, hiding them, or making them indecipherable to others is an ancient practice. It evolved into the modem practice of cryptograph the science of secret writing. or the study of obscuring data using algorithms and secret keys. A Brief History of Encryption Once upon a time, keeping data secret was not hard. Hundreds of years ago. when few people were literate, the use of written language alone often sufficed to keep information from becoming general knowledge. To keep secrets then, you sim ply had to write them down. keep them hidden from those few people who could read, and prevent others from ring the meaning of a docume nt is difficult if it is written in a learning how to read. Deciphe language you do not know. History tells us that important secrets were kept by writing them down and hiding them from literate people. Persian border guards in the fourth century B.c. let blank wax Miting tablets pass, but the tablets hid a message warning Greece of an impending attack. The ply covered by a thin layer of fresh wax. Scribes also tattooed messages on the message was sim shaved heads of messengers. When their hair grew back in, the messengers could travel incognito through enemy lands. When they arrived at their destination. their heads were shaved and the knowledge was revealed. But the fate of nations could not rely for very long on such obfuscation, which relied entirely on these tricks to keep the writing secret. It did not take very long for ancient military leaders to create and use more sophisticated technques. Ever since then, encryption has been a process ofusing increasingly complex tactics to stay one step ahead of those who want your secret data. when hiding meaning in ordinary written language and hiding the message itself became passé, the idea of hiding the meaning became the rule. From what we know of they loved a good puzzle. What greater puzzle than to obscure a message using a series of steps? Unless you knew the Meps taken-the algorithm used to produce the apAn (the name for the daguised mesage You couldn't untangle or decipher isthou a great deal of difficulty. However, the challenge of an unsohable puzzle was irresistible to
บทที่ 10 การเข้ารหัสลับ Keeping secrets by disguising them, hiding them, or making them indecipherable to others is an ancient practice. It evolved into the modem practice of cryptograph the science of secret writing. or the study of obscuring data using algorithms and secret keys. A Brief History of Encryption Once upon a time, keeping data secret was not hard. Hundreds of years ago. when few people were literate, the use of written language alone often sufficed to keep information from becoming general knowledge. To keep secrets then, you sim ply had to write them down. keep them hidden from those few people who could read, and prevent others from ring the meaning of a docume nt is difficult if it is written in a learning how to read. Deciphe language you do not know. History tells us that important secrets were kept by writing them down and hiding them from literate people. Persian border guards in the fourth century B.c. let blank wax Miting tablets pass, but the tablets hid a message warning Greece of an impending attack. The ply covered by a thin layer of fresh wax. Scribes also tattooed messages on the message was sim shaved heads of messengers. When their hair grew back in, the messengers could travel incognito through enemy lands. When they arrived at their destination. their heads were shaved and the knowledge was revealed. But the fate of nations could not rely for very long on such obfuscation, which relied entirely on these tricks to keep the writing secret. It did not take very long for ancient military leaders to create and use more sophisticated technques. Ever since then, encryption has been a process ofusing increasingly complex tactics to stay one step ahead of those who want your secret data. when hiding meaning in ordinary written language and hiding the message itself became passé, the idea of hiding the meaning became the rule. From what we know of they loved a good puzzle. What greater puzzle than to obscure a message using a series of steps? Unless you knew the Meps taken-the algorithm used to produce the apAn (the name for the daguised mesage You couldn't untangle or decipher isthou a great deal of difficulty. However, the challenge of an unsohable puzzle was irresistible to
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