Fewer, larger buyers. The business marketer normally deals with far fewer, much larger buyers than the consumer marketer does, particularly in such industries as aircraft engines and defense weapons. The fortunes of Goodyear tires, Cummins engines, Delphi control systems, and other au- tomotive part suppliers depends on getting big contracts from just a handful of major automakers Close supplier customer relationship. Because of the smaller customer base and the importance and power of the larger customers, suppliers are frequently expected to customize their offerings individual business customer needs. Through its Supplier Added Value Effort (SAVE) program, Pittsburgh-based PPG industries challenges its suppliers of maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) goods and services to deliver on annual value-added/cost-savings proposals equaling at least 5 percent of their total annual sales to PPG.One preferred supplier submitted a suggestion to SAVE that reduced costs for a lighting project by $160,000 by negotiating discounted prices for new tures and fluorescent bulbs. Business buyers often select suppliers that also buy from them. A paper manufacturer might buy from a chemical company that buys a considerable amount of its paper.