Now let’s turn our attention to the implications of these findings for second language
reading instruction at the university level.
It is also possible to do minor topic shifts (moving to a topic that is related to a previous
point) like so. The structures in #1, #2 and #3 are known as inverted sentences; inversion
is used to make a transition to a related topic (in writing and in speaking). Topic shifts
with there in #4 and #5 are for introducing new items to the discussion; there is/are in #4 is
less common in English academic writing, and is more common in informal writing or in
spoken English.
1. Noun phrase at the beginning of a sentence (sometimes with a higher intonation on
the noun)
Motivation in psychology can be subdivided into different types of motivation. Extrinsic
motivation refers to motivation driven by an external reward. Intrinsic motivation refers to
motivation that is driven by a personal or intellectual interest in what one is doing.
At the time, no one dared challenge the reigning paradigm until the late 50s, except in
certain subfields. Substantial opposition to this view arose from two different places around
this time.
2. Prepositional phrase
The order of Coleoptera represents a large and diverse grouping of insects. Within
Coleoptera we find that 90% of species belong to the suborder Polyphaga.
Theoretical linguistics includes the fields of syntax, morphology, phonology, and semantics.
In the field of syntax, one investigates issues of sentence structure and word order
Now let’s turn our attention to the implications of these findings for second languagereading instruction at the university level.It is also possible to do minor topic shifts (moving to a topic that is related to a previouspoint) like so. The structures in #1, #2 and #3 are known as inverted sentences; inversionis used to make a transition to a related topic (in writing and in speaking). Topic shiftswith there in #4 and #5 are for introducing new items to the discussion; there is/are in #4 isless common in English academic writing, and is more common in informal writing or inspoken English.1. Noun phrase at the beginning of a sentence (sometimes with a higher intonation onthe noun)Motivation in psychology can be subdivided into different types of motivation. Extrinsicmotivation refers to motivation driven by an external reward. Intrinsic motivation refers tomotivation that is driven by a personal or intellectual interest in what one is doing.At the time, no one dared challenge the reigning paradigm until the late 50s, except incertain subfields. Substantial opposition to this view arose from two different places aroundthis time.2. Prepositional phraseThe order of Coleoptera represents a large and diverse grouping of insects. WithinColeoptera we find that 90% of species belong to the suborder Polyphaga.Theoretical linguistics includes the fields of syntax, morphology, phonology, and semantics.In the field of syntax, one investigates issues of sentence structure and word order
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