Nurdawati, S. (Loka Penelitian Perikanan Air Tawar, Palembang (Indonesia))
Lampam (Barbodes schwanenfeldi) is one of the open water fish species having the high economic value and feasible to be cultured. The economic value of this species is not less than those the standard fish consumption such as Leptobarbus, kissing gouramy, and catfish. Lampam is utilized as not only for consumption fish but also for export ornamental species. The problem facing the development of lampam aquaculture is that the fish belong to slow growing species compared to other introduction fish of Oreochromis niloticus. In nature, lampam of one year old grew only to 100-200 g/year/fish, but it will grow to 200-500 g/year if reared in cage. Lampam feeds all kind of food available. Female individual has a high fecundity of 6,255-12,926 eggs/100 g body weight and male has sperm about 0.5 cc/150 g body weight. Genetic improvement will be very useful for development of lampam culture in the future