Our goal is to implement a wheelchair guidance system based
on electrooculography [9], [10]. This work is included in a general
purpose navigational assistant in environments with accessible
features to allow a wheelchair to pass. This project is known
been designed made up of ultrasonic, infrared sensors and cameras
in order to allow the detection of obstacles, dangerous situations
and to generate a map of the environment. The SIAMO
prototype has been designed with the aim of being versatile, allowing
the incorporationor removal of variousservices by simple
adding or removing the modules involved in each task. The main
functional blocks are power and motion controllers, human-machine
interface (HMI), environment perception, and navigation
and sensory integration. Inside this project, our work is centered
in developing a HMI based on electrooculography. Experimental
results with users have shown that these demand to interact with
the system, making the robotic system semiautonomous rather
than completely autonomous. Therefore, our system must allow
the users to tell the robot where to move in gross terms and will
then carry out that navigational task using common sensical constraints,
such as avoiding collision.