Top 3 health problems in Thailand and America
Every year there is a lot of people died. Death may come from a variety of reasons and from research the population of two countries is in the top 3 rankings that is a cause most health problems to death. According to statistics in recent years
Thailand has a population around 64 million people and 3 ranks of health problems, First one is Cancer; cancer is a high mortality particularly met cancer in the spread stage. Second is Accident, accident may happen from drink alcohol and out of control. The last rank is Dyslipidemia that is presence of abnormal lipid metabolism in the body.
America has population around 310.5 million people and 3 ranks of health problems, First is heart disease kills the largest number of Americans per year which cause heart attacks and strokes. Second is cancer, it’s the most deaths in both men and women. And the last one is Stroke, stroke is a cause from an obstruction of blood vessels that make the brain got a lack of blood.