A few weeks ago, I was walking to my car in the parking lot,
when someone came up to me and said he enjoyed reading my
weekly column. “But”, he said, “you always write about
everyone’s bad experiences. Why don’t you ask people to talk about their good
experiences, too?”
So I asked readers to write in and tell me about all the good things that
happened to them recently. I got hundreds of replies. Here is one of them:
I was coming home from a party really late at night, and I missed the last train
home. I didn’t have enough money for a cab, and I didn’t want to walk home in
the dark. I was standing outside the train station, and I guess I looked worried
because a woman came up and asked me if I needed any help. She offered to
share a cab with me and to pay for it! She said she didn’t like being by herself at
night, either. I was so grateful.