A new message indicator icon for the Cisco IM is visible from the main Flow screen when swiping from the bottom to initiate a peak.
The new message indicator icon has a number below it representing the number of unread messages.
A red spark will appear on the new message indicator and the top right corner of the Active Frame when minimized from the flow screen.
When a peak is initiated so that the message indicator or the active frame is viewed from the flow screen the red spark will disappear.
Messages in the Hub will be purple in colour with the text font in bold for unread messages.
Read messages will be in grey with normal text font.
The folder options from the Hub will show the account folder for Cisco IM with the EIM icon.
A red spark will be present if the Flow screen has not been accessed, viewing the new message indicator icon or Cisco IM client active frame.
A number under the EIM icon will show how many messages are unread.
This number should also change the total number of messages from the Hub account folder when they are read.
Reading 1 of the 3 messages should decrease the counter by 1 and so on.
Assure the number is decreased in 3 areas:
1. The new message indicator icon from the flow screen.
2. The EIM account folder icon.
3. The Hub icon.