The word curriculum derives from the Latin currere meaning ‘to run’. This
implies that one of the functions of a curriculum is to provide a template or
design which enables learning to take place. Curricula usually define the
learning that is expected to take place during a course or programme of
study in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, they should specify the main
teaching, learning and assessment methods and provide an indication of the
learning resources required to support the effective delivery of the course. A
curriculum is more than a syllabus. A syllabus describes the content of a
programme and can be seen as one part of a curriculum. Most curricula are
not developed from scratch and all operate within organisational
and societal constraints.
Jackson (1992) notes that the best adjective used to describe the state or affairs in
curriculum is "confused," due in part to a lack of clear definitions. The questions
"What is curriculum? " and "To what should this term be applied? " have several