Firstly, (unpleasant though it may be to contemplate!) bear in mind that all eyes will be on you! Look as sharp as a new pin! Buy new clothes if necessary (once you get the job, you can pay your Visa bill!). Get a haircut, press your suit, shine your shoes, wash your hands. Use cue cards rather than reading from a script: you must look the audience in the eye! Try to involve the audience, if not by asking them questions, certainly by looking at them and referring to them: ‘Massive Co. Ltd was founded in 1975 by Sir Henry Widget here’ (indicate with a hand gesture Sir Henry, with a smile!). Don’t crack jokes as such, but try to inject a little humour. As in all human relationships, if you can get the other party to laugh or smile, you have mostly won them over. Exude enthusiasm and energy. Certainly smile.