The portable ultrasonic shear wave testing unit (walking stick) holds a 9-channel roller search unit.
Network Rail is running a new ultrasonic test unit (UTU 5) with support given by Sperry and First
Engineering. The UTU 5, using Sperry ultrasonic track inspection technology is faster, more efficient and
reliable than conventional manual ultrasonic methods. The use of a train-based system gives a 40%
improved performance and reliability, and a great reduction in broken rails. The Sperry UTU 5 ultrasonic test
unit is a rail-road vehicle that tows along a Roller Search Unit (RSU). The liquid-filled tyre on the RSU
contains nine individual transducers which combine to give ultrasonic inspection at different angles
(directions). The detection capability of this device is maximised by the use of pre-determined ultrasonic
beams for the detection of specific defects. The output is displayed as a B-scan, allowing the inspector to
identify and classify the signature of defects on the track easily. The data, tagged with the railway mileage
and GPS location, is transmitted back to Sperry’s Derby office via wireless link, where it is further analysed.
The RSU tyre conforms to the shape of the rail surface even on worn and deformed rail, giving more reliable
inspection of rail head and bolted joints