3. Situation: Read the Ethical Dilemma on page 33.
Characters: Tammy Arnold, account manager; Laura Wilkerson, purchasing manager and new prospect
Scene 1: Location Tammy is making a first time call on Laura, who is adamant about deadlines being
met. Tammy is sure she’ll at least two weeks over the delivery deadline.
Role play their conversation and how Tammy might handle the demand.
Scene 2: Location A telephone call from Laura Wilkerson just a few days before delivery. She heard
through the grapevine that the delivery deadline would not be met. Laura insinuates to Tammy that she knew this all along.
Role play the phone conversation where Tammy takes the call from Laura.
4. Situation: Read the ethical Dilemma on page 36.
Characters: John Edwards, salesperson; Emergency Room worker; receptionist in emergency room; emergency room doctor
Scenc 1: Location Emergency Room. Action John walks in and receives a cool reception from the receptionist.
Role play how John might handle the cool reception from the receptionist.
Scene 2: Location Emergency Room. Action Two the three weeks later, John is finally able to see one of the ER doctors.
Role play how John might handle the doctor’s cool reception.
Upon completion of the role playing, address the following question:
4a. What are the danders of discussing confidential information in public?
5. Conveying trust is an important part of a salesperson’s job. It is critical to treat all customers fairly. Ethics plays a role in every salesperson’s daily activities. The problem is what appears to be ethical to one person is not to another. Salespeople must deal with ethical dilemmas every day. Take a look at the following Web sites and research the topic of sales ethics. Look at company Web sites and see if they put if they put any special emphasis on ethics or sales ethics.