Everyday Life / Profession:
The business with ambition is not over. With the Taurus Moon you receive a confirmation for your success. Is the topic put to rest for you with that? Mars pulls past Pluto and appears to want to exercise power, while the planets in Libra do not like when someone plays boss and commands over others. You can be powerful in a situation or an area of life, while you feel powerless in other areas. It is difficult to live in balance, you always have the impression, one thing or another is going to extremes. If you desire harmony, you must say goodbye to power games. For that you must also recognize them at the right time. To recognize them in yourself is doubly difficult.
Partnership / Love:
On Sunday something could have gotten out of hand. The Full Moon has shed light on your relationship situation and made it clear. So you are actually a step further now, but you need two days to process what has happened. If you do not process it, further shocks that damage your relationship could all too easily occur. Take these two days and only then seek conversation. By then you will know what needs to be said.