(Table 1), the responses of microbial respiration to plantation
from different soil layers and topographies were
different: in 0–20 cm in uphill: GB>GBH>CK; in 20–40 cm in
uphill: GBH>CK>GB; in 0–20 cm in downhill: GBH>CK>GB;
in 20–40 cm in downhill: GB>CK>GBH, which suggested
the responses of microbial respiration to plantation were
different due to soil heterogeneity (Xu and Qi 2001; Paul
et al. 2002). The reason was probably that soil properties
in different soil layers and topographies were different.
content (Resh et al. 2002) and soil stoichiomestry (Li et al.
2012). Plantation could increase soil C inputs, which are
the important C sources for microbial respiration and we
expected plantation could increase microbial respiration
(Kaur et al. 2006). However, in our study, although the
effect of plantation on microbial respiration was significant