5. Conclusions
The KAP study has shown that although most farmers were aware that pesticides can harm their
health, many still use PPDs in an inappropriate manner, or not at all, during pesticide handling.
Reasons for this may include the low levels of education of farmers, the fact that the use of complete
PPDs is uncomfortable in hot weather, and that risk communication by government authorities and
technical advisors did not take place or was ineffective in the region. Inhibition of ChE activity during
the exposure period for some farmers was higher that what is considered safe, indicating that they
might be at risk from exposure to pesticides during their agricultural activities. Furthermore, residents
in family farming settings also showed AChE activity depletion and thus may also be at risk from
secondary exposure to pesticides. It is necessary to increase awareness among the rural population in
these areas of the risks from pesticide exposure through continuous local government education
programs focused on the rational and safe use of pesticides, and the implementation of risk communication
strategies to protect this population.