Crumb texture was measured instrumentally by a uniaxial
compression test using a Stevens Farnell Texture Analyser equippedwith a QTS 25 controller from Stevens Mechtric (Westfordshire,
UK). A squared probe with a dimension of 3.5 3.5 cmwas used to
compress the crumb of 8 representative bread slices. The crumb
was compressed to a thickness of 3 mm in a 2 cycle procedure with
a test speed of 300mmmin1 to a trigger point load of 0.05 N. From
the forceedeformation curve, hardness was calculated as the
maximum load (N) on cycle 1, modulus of elasticity (N s1) as the
gradient of the first compression curve measured in the interval
between 20 and 80% of applied force and adhesiveness (N s) as the
total negative area of cycle 1. Additionally, the area of cycle 1 and 2
was measured to calculate cohesiveness which was determined as
the total positive work done in cycle two divided by the total
positive work done in cycle one.