One hundred and twenty-seven patients who had been treated with partial RDPs at the Department of Odon-tology, University of Copenhagen, between 2008 and 2013 were invited by telephone or letter to participate in a 1- to 5-year follow-up examination of their RDPs. Sixty-five patients, including 30 women and 35 men with a mean age of 67 years (SD _ 11), had been trea-ted with 83 RDPs (48 upper, 35 lower) and agreed to participate in the study. The mean number of replaced teeth was 8 (SD _ 5). Of the 62 patients who were not included in the study, 35 did not wish to participate, 13 no longer wore the RDP or had a new one made, 13 failed to show up for the examination, and 1 passed
away. The partial RDPs were evaluated for technical and biological complications, and the participants answered the OHIP-49 questionnaire at the follow-up examination and both before (pre-treatment) and after (baseline) RDP treatment (13). Of the 65 participants, 37 answered the OHIP-49 pre-treatment, and 27 com-pleted it at baseline (1 month after insertion). Twenty-five participants completed the OHIP-49 pre-treatment, baseline and follow-up (1–5 years after RDP insertion) questionnaires.