A droplet containing adipic acid (C6H10O4)–H2O and having a
low initial concentration x2,0 is obviously supersaturated later than
a droplet with (NH4)2SO4–H2O and a high initial concentration. A
higher intended supersaturation leads to a higher amount of
evaporated mass and supersaturation (S > 1) is reached earlier. In
the case of adipic acid–water, a droplet with an intended
supersaturation of S = 2 is supersaturated after t
0.055 ms,
whereas one with an intended supersaturation of S = 1.2 is
supersaturated after t
0.15 ms. The supersaturation S99.6 is built
up for both cases between tb = 0.4 and 0.5 ms. The diameter of a
d0 = 50, 100 and 250 mm droplet decreases about 3% during the
evaporation process while a d0 = 1000 mm droplet shrinks about 6%
in diameter.