A novel triazophos-degrading Bacillus sp., TAP-1, was isolated from sewage sludge in a wastewater treating
system of organophosphorus pesticide produced by Funong Group Co. in Jianou, Fujian, southeastern
China. The isolate is a gram-positive and rod-shaped bacterium capable of hydrolyzing insecticide triazophos
and was identified as a strain of Bacillus using polyphasic taxonomy combined with analysis
of the morphological and physio-biochemical properties. TAP-1 could degrade triazophos through cometabolism.
When fed with nutrients such as yeast extract, peptone and glucose, TAP-1 could degrade
98.5% of TAP in the medium (100 mg/l) within 5 days. The optimal pH and temperature for the degradation
were 6.5–8 and 32 ◦C, respectively. An enzyme distribution experiment showed that the enzyme
responsible for TAP degradation appeared to be intracellular.
A novel triazophos-degrading Bacillus sp., TAP-1, was isolated from sewage sludge in a wastewater treatingsystem of organophosphorus pesticide produced by Funong Group Co. in Jianou, Fujian, southeasternChina. The isolate is a gram-positive and rod-shaped bacterium capable of hydrolyzing insecticide triazophosand was identified as a strain of Bacillus using polyphasic taxonomy combined with analysisof the morphological and physio-biochemical properties. TAP-1 could degrade triazophos through cometabolism.When fed with nutrients such as yeast extract, peptone and glucose, TAP-1 could degrade98.5% of TAP in the medium (100 mg/l) within 5 days. The optimal pH and temperature for the degradationwere 6.5–8 and 32 ◦C, respectively. An enzyme distribution experiment showed that the enzymeresponsible for TAP degradation appeared to be intracellular.
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