Teachers in Germany receive their training in two stages: a first phase at a university and a second phase as a two year practical training at teacher seminars and selected training schools. The structure of teacher training and the contents varies in some aspects in the different Länder which are responsible for teacher education. The following structure is the one for Berlin:
First stage:
The duration of the first phase at a university ranges from 3-4 years for primary school teaching to 5-6 years for higher secondary school teaching. The courses include the study of at least two subjects or subject areas, the study of educational theory and psychology, sociology or philosophy. During their studies the students have to complete three months of practical work at schools. The first stage ends with the First State Examination that includes a final tesis as well as written and oral examinations of the studied subjects, educational theory and didactics.
Second Stage:
The second phase of teacher education is a two year practical training at teacher seminars and schools. It is called Referendariat and ends with the Second State Examination. During this phase the prospective teacher is paid a trainee’s salary. Main source: www.pa-feldkirch.ac.at