The effect of chemical composition modification and surface modification of coconut fibers as reinforcement to the mechanical properties of cement composites has been reported by Asasutjarit and coworkers. The mechanical properties such as modulus of rupture and internal bond, increased as a result of chemical composition modification and surface modification. The boiled and washed fiber have improved mechanical properties, the optimum fiber length was 1 to 6 cm and the optimum (cement:fiber:water) mixture ratio by weight was 2:1:2. Alida and co workers also have studied the physical and mechanical properties of composite cement reinforced coconut fiber and reported that composite reinforced with 9 wt. % of coconut fiber give the highest strength of modulus of rupture and compressive strength. Khedari and co-workers studied on the development of a new type of soil–cement block using coconut fiber. Various compositions were tested. It was observed that the use of coconut fiber as an admixture can reduce the block thermal conductivity and weight. The composition ratio of soil:cement:sand to produce good properties is 5.75:1.25:2. The compressive strength and thermal conductivity decreased when the quantity of fiber increased. From the previous studies, most of the works have been focused on the influence of fiber to the mechanical properties of cement composites.