1. What were your responsibilities? วริศรา
2. What did you like or dislike about your previous job? ฐิติมา
3. What were your starting and final levels of compensation? ธัญญาภรณ์
4. What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them? ปริยา
5. What is your greatest strength? มนิดา
6. What is your greatest weakness? พรณิภา
7. How do you handle stress and pressure? สุธัญญา
8. Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it. ณัฐวรรณ
9. What was the biggest accomplishment / failure in this position? จิราภรณ์
10. How do you evaluate success? ธัญญารัตน์
11. Why are you leaving or have left your job? พัชราวดี
12. Why do you want this job? สุชีวา
13. Why should we hire you? กนกวรรณ
14. What are your goals for the future? กัณทิมา
15. What are your salary requirements? คุณากร
16. Tell me about yourself. ณชนก
17. Who was your best boss and who was the worst? รุ่งโรจน์
18. What are you passionate about? เปรมฤทัย
19. Questions about your supervisors and co-workers. กมลศรี
20. Questions about your career goals. ภานุเดช
21. Can you describe yourself? โศภรัสม์
22. What relevant experience do you have? หนึ่งฤดี
23. What motivates you to do a good job? อนุศิษฏ์
24. How would your coworkers describe you? ฮารีสา
25. Have you been interviewing for other jobs? อดิศักดิ์
26. When would you start work? สุรีพร