mixture was prepared by the addition of olive oil (7.99 ml),
methanol (0.99 ml) and lipase (2.6 ml), and incubated at 40 1Cfor
48 h with 220 rpm agitation. After incubation 200 mlofsampleswas
taken from reaction mixture and diluted with 1 ml of hexane for
2 min. Afterwards, samples were centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for
15 min, and 10 ml of upper layer was applied to a TLC plate. Methyl
oleat (Sigma Chemicals, purity 99%) was spotted as reference
biodiesel. n-Hexane/ethyl acetate/acetic acid (90:10:1) was used
as solvent system, and the spots were visualized with iodine vapor
after shortly air drying.