Multilevel model
Because inconsistent reported in SERVQUAL factors, in 1996 Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz proposed the
multilevel model for service quality. They suggest changing the structure of service quality models to a
three-stage model: overall perceptions of service quality, primary dimensions, and Subdimensions
(Figure 3). This model was for evaluating service quality in retail store. Although multilevel propose a
new structure, it needs to generalize for different areas and consider the effect of some other factors
such as environment, price, etc. In addition, there is lack of identifying attributes or factors that define
the sub dimensions.
Multilevel modelBecause inconsistent reported in SERVQUAL factors, in 1996 Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz proposed themultilevel model for service quality. They suggest changing the structure of service quality models to athree-stage model: overall perceptions of service quality, primary dimensions, and Subdimensions(Figure 3). This model was for evaluating service quality in retail store. Although multilevel propose anew structure, it needs to generalize for different areas and consider the effect of some other factorssuch as environment, price, etc. In addition, there is lack of identifying attributes or factors that definethe sub dimensions.
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