I'm not trying to come off as mean, but I'm annoyed at the fact that despite fellow admins AND people who like the page complaining about this, rather than changing what she's doing, she's just ignoring all of us instead and it's not alright.
The kind of admin that listens to the complaints of the people that like the page. People have complained about the following:
Personal spam such as this
Spam that has nothing to do with Attack on Titan
Spam over content, etc.
Admins threatening to leave over it
We have already addressed this and she's still continuing to do the same stuff so I am *done* asking nicely. I want people to enjoy the page and I listen to their feedback, for that very reason and I've been told that they don't appreciate stuff like this in their newsfeed so it has to go.
Okay guys i was informed about this not too long ago by one of the admins i had no idea about this to tell the truth
This actually really hurts me b cause i'm doing all of this stuff just b cause i love the pg and i waste my time doing all that stuff and when i post it up i love seeing wht u all have to say and hearing this just makes me sad i didnt know ~ EREN