I've kept my feelings for you contained for as long as I could. I am
in love with you though, and true, honest love shouldn't be contained
and kept quiet for this long. There is so much about you that most men
don't see. They only see half; they see your body but my love for you
is way more then skin deep. My feelings for you grow more and more
every day, and my love for you grows deeper and more everlasting with
every passing minute. You mean so much to me, I mean just seeing your
smiling face or hearing you heart-melting voice just brightens up my
worst days and makes them so much better. Or just having you give me a
hug makes me all warm and tingly inside. I dream of you day in and day
out; you're all that's ever on my mind. I hate leaving the house
because I'm afraid I might miss one of your calls. I would walk a
thousand miles to see you for one minute and have not one question
about it. I am in love with you and have been in love with you!! I
love you,