21. With regard to availability of mental health services, a
median of 6.1 beds per 100 000 population is available
across the Region; 64.3% of psychiatric beds are located
in mental hospitals and 35.7% are located in community
settings – general hospitals 18.3% and community
residences 17.4%. There is a clear gradient across group
1 to group 2 and group 3 countries. This distribution is
almost unchanged from that found in 2011. The median
number of mental hospital beds per 100 000 in the
Region is comparable with the global median of 6.5 per
100 000.
22. In the area of promotion of health and prevention of disease,
globally 41% of countries have mental health promotion
and prevention programmes, the same percentage as in the
Region. Within the Region, 60% of group 2 countries have
more than one functioning national mental health prevention
or promotion programme, which is twice the rate in
group 1 and group 3 countries. The three countries that have
developed a national suicide prevention strategy are all in
group 2.
23. In the area of information systems, although 19 countries
have produced reports on mental health data, almost
half of the countries have not published a specific mental
health information report in the past 2 years. Group 2
countries have the most advanced profile for publication
of mental health information. All but one (or 90%) of
group 2 countries have published a specific report focusing
on mental health in the past 2 years whereas, only
half of group 1 countries and no group 3 country have
published a specific mental health report in the same time
period. Although the Region compares favourably with
other regions, the current information systems may not
be in line with the target indicators of the mental health
action plan.
21. With regard to availability of mental health services, amedian of 6.1 beds per 100 000 population is availableacross the Region; 64.3% of psychiatric beds are locatedin mental hospitals and 35.7% are located in communitysettings – general hospitals 18.3% and communityresidences 17.4%. There is a clear gradient across group1 to group 2 and group 3 countries. This distribution isalmost unchanged from that found in 2011. The mediannumber of mental hospital beds per 100 000 in theRegion is comparable with the global median of 6.5 per100 000.22. In the area of promotion of health and prevention of disease,globally 41% of countries have mental health promotionand prevention programmes, the same percentage as in theRegion. Within the Region, 60% of group 2 countries havemore than one functioning national mental health preventionor promotion programme, which is twice the rate ingroup 1 and group 3 countries. The three countries that havedeveloped a national suicide prevention strategy are all ingroup 2.23. In the area of information systems, although 19 countrieshave produced reports on mental health data, almosthalf of the countries have not published a specific mentalhealth information report in the past 2 years. Group 2countries have the most advanced profile for publicationof mental health information. All but one (or 90%) ofgroup 2 countries have published a specific report focusingon mental health in the past 2 years whereas, onlyhalf of group 1 countries and no group 3 country havepublished a specific mental health report in the same timeperiod. Although the Region compares favourably withother regions, the current information systems may notbe in line with the target indicators of the mental healthaction plan.
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