2. Food & Beverage / Room Rental Price
Half day meeting package THB 1,600.-net per person, minimum guarantee 40 persons
(1 Coffee break + 1 Joining lunch at the World)
Wifi Internet @ THB 500.-net / user
Net, inclusive of 10% service charge and 7% VAT.
3. Acceptance of Proposal
Contained in this proposal are the detailed arrangements to be provided for this event. Rates quoted are based on the requirements specified,
and any drastic reduction (more than 10%) would be subjected to adjustments in the rates. Any changes should be advised to us prior to the deadline mentioned below:
Option Date: February 16, 2015
Upon receiving your acceptance, we will proceed to block the necessary meeting space (subject to availability) as stated in this proposal.
At the same time, we will forward you our official agreement for signature. Quoted rates are effective until the deadline mentioned above.
Should there be any further inquiries or assistance you may require, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
Best Regards,