How you respond to this question may be a litmus test for how well you’ll fit into the organization. For some people, the ideal work environment has set hours, with people arriving at 9 a.m. and leaving at 5 p.m. For those with family responsibilities, this may represent the ideal environment. If this is what you want to convey, you could say, “I think it’s important to be productive by 9 a.m., so I can feel good about leaving at 5 p.m.” For others, work is their life, so their ideal environment is one in which most of the other employees feel the same way. If that’s you, you might say, “When I’m on a roll, I like to work late, so I like it when there are other people around.” Many people like an environment where they can work remotely, while others prefer the interactions that can happen only at the office. Work-life balance is a typical interview question, so you should give it a great deal of thought because your work environment will have many implications for your long-term happiness.