An Evaluation
The central features of System-4 viz, supportive relationships, group methods of decision making and supervision, high performance goals and achievement motive contribute to better forms of human organization, It is only to be hoped that human organizations will move increasingly towards this ideal-rational system of management. The linking pin model is often accused of doing nothing more than drawing triangles around the traditional hierarchical structures. It is also criticized as slowing down the process of decision-making. Notwithstanding these criticisms, the linking pin model has its own advantages. It fosters the upward and horizontal linkage in contrast to the only downward orientation of classical structure and strengthens the cross-functional linkages in complex organizations. But the questions are: How do we push the management System 1 and 2 towards 3 to 4? What holds up the transformation of the Management Systems? Why does top management revert to management practices of System 1 and 2 in the face of a crisis? Is crisis management by itself a reflection of the breakdown in supportive relationships, group decision processes and performance goals? If that be so, is System-4 management fallible? How can one ensure the evolution and enduring success of System-4 management? Can organization systems and management practices be isolated from the cultural constraints and social values? If social organization is hierarchical and its orientation is authoritarian, will is no also permeate organization structures and management processes? So long as the power dominates modern organizations, participative management remains in the realm of utopia. Again if conflict is inherent in the competing values, needs and expectations of individuals and groups in organizations, how does one realize the supportive relationships and other desirable features of System-4 management?