Hajime’s Failure
Regin Banton was a strong man, rumored to be the next Chief of the Banton tribe; one of the
Bearman tribes. He idolized one of the current Elders; Jin Banton, and became his right hand.
Not only Regin, it could be said Jin was popular in the Banton tribe as a whole, especially the
younger ones. The reasons for that being Jin’s character was broad minded, containing deep
patriotism, and above all, his strength, which allowed him to be considered as one of the highest
That’s why, when the Bearman tribe heard the news, they thought it was a bad joke. They
couldn’t believe their beloved Elder had been incapacitated by a human. However, the
merciless reality was proven. Jin, who was lying powerless in medical facility showed them the
Regin was dumbfounded having seen Jin’s current appearance. Next, his anger and
hatred surfaced. While bearing these feelings inside his heart, he pressed to determine the
circumstances from the Elders. As the result, Regin who had learned everything, disregarded
the Elders and told the Bearman tribe everything. And thus they embarked for revenge.
Because of the persuasion from the Elders and other tribes, not all of the Bearman tribe
followed him, only the youngsters from Banton tribe who admired Jin had left to defeat that
hated human. They numbered around 50 people. Regin and the others who knew their enemy’s
objective thought it best to attack when their enemy was in front of the Great Tree as revenge.
They thought, “To perish right before the goal is the best (revenge)”.
After all, their enemies only consists of humans and the Rabbitman tribe. Even though Jin was
defeated, they thought it was because something cowardly, like a surprise attack. They thought
there was nothing to fear of humans who would go mad without a sense of direction deep inside
the Sea of Trees’ fog, even more so for the weak Rabbitman tribe. Regin was an outstanding
person. Normally, he wouldn’t interpret the situation like that. However, currently his eyes were
However, no matter what, even if his eyes were clouded….
Regin screamed in disbelief. The reason; before his very eyes an impossible spectacle was
displayed. The Rabbitman tribe, which was placed at the bottom among other demi-humans,
was cornering the Bearman tribe, which was known as one of the strongest in combat.
[Come on come on come on! Show your fighting spirit! Or else, I will cut you!]
[AHAHAHAHAHA, scream like the pig you are!]
[It’s time to clean this filth! HYAHAHAHAHA HA!]
While the Haulia tribe swung countless fatal, murderous attacks, their loud laughter resounded.
There was no appearance of the Rabbitman tribe which was gentle, peaceful, and above all,
weak in combat. Screams came from the Bearman tribe that desperately try to fight back.
[Shit! The heck is this! Just who the hell are you!!]
[They must not be the Rabbitman tribe!]
They were ambushed by the enemies they wanted to ambush, the Rabbitman tribe that laid in
ambush showed unbelievable power, even among other demi-human races. Arrows and stones
that fly accurately out of nowhere, added to their excellent teamwork. The glee with which they
swung their blades, wearing lunatic expressions, and laughing loudly all the while! All of it gave
birth to violent commotion. In that situation, their specs even exceed the Bearman tribe.
Actually, the Rabbitman tribe wouldn’t be able to compete in a one on one fight against the
Bearman tribe. However, in these past ten days, the Haulia tribe was able to make up the
difference, thanks to the hell-like training.
Originally, the Rabbitman tribe’s specs were lower than the other demi-human races. However,
to survive and avoid battle, they had polished their stealth ability and danger perception. After
As a result, they were able to promptly perceive their enemies’ presences to the point they
could ambush their enemies. It could be said that they are a race with abilities suited for
assassination. However, their innate nature had crushed these advantages.
It could be said, Hajime’s training woke their combat instincts. He single-handedly abused and
cornered them by letting them swing weapons, cut their enemies, and letting them experience
how to evade, without rest. By remembering the speech from senior sergeant Hart**n, as a
result of ten days of severe training, their minds completely became combat oriented. Although
They, who had acquired the aggressiveness to attack without any hesitation, demonstrated
promising combat prowess. Because they thought of the whole tribe as members of one family,
their level of teamwork was high from the get go. With their skillful adjustment of presence, it
demonstrated tremendous effect, along with their teamwork.
In addition, one of the reasons for the Haulia tribe’s high combat prowess was the weapons
made by Hajime, which increased their incompetent attack power.
Each of them wielded two Kodachis, produced with a precise and practiced process, such that
their ultra-thin blades were able to split a grass just by touching it. They were made of Taur ore,
so they were durable. The Haulia tribe also carried disposable throwing knives.
There were also the powerful Slingshots and Crossbows that were made using string with
great elasticity gathered from spider-like demonic beasts in the Abyss. They were made for
the children of the Haulia tribe, since close range battles were still too hard for them. Even
children are able to shoot enemies from the other side of fog, using their search ability while
Even Pal…. … Baltoferd of Certain Death, was completely charmed when shooting his
Crossbow, while showing a sniper-like nature.
[One shot of certain death! ‘DO’ your was head blown off. In the name of “Certain Death”]
Pal…. .. Baltoferd of Certain Death recently gained the habit of saying such things. By the way,
he called himself “Certain Death”. His first habitual saying was [Aim and Shoot!] but it was
stopped by Hajime. He looked so displeased.
Back on topic, the Bearman tribe who fell into a panic were easily defeated without much
resistance by the current Haulia tribe and their numbers fell in no time. Currently half of them
Having heard his subordinate advise him to retreat, Regin was hesitating because of anger from
the incapacitated Jin and his killed subordinates. That hesitation wasn’t missed by the Haulia’s
sniper. To the subordinate called Tonto that tried to advise his lord to retreat once again, an
arrow accurately penetrated his temple.
Because of this Regin and his subordinates were shaken and fell into disorder. Kam and the
others who thought it was a chance, attacked at once.
Arrows came flying from the fog and accurately aimed at their ankles. While distracted by that, a
sharp attack came to reap the head. With an exquisite timing, the person who wanted to kill the
one that shot arrows from the back ran into protruding spikes.
However, perhaps it was because that was their favorite move, a presence suddenly came from
behind, and brought with it a fatal blow. Haulia tribe utilized their presences and teamwork to
make fun of Regin and his subordinates. Regin and his subordinates shuddered at this. They
thought, “Are they really that hetare and weak Rabbitman tribe!?”
The battle dragged on for a while, Regin and his subordinates were finally able to recover
from their confusion while covered in wounds. They were somehow able to stand using their
weapons as support. When the waves of attacks using the exquisite covering fire and teamwork
subsided, all of them were panting. Regin and his subordinates were surrounded by Kam and
the others, after being cornered with a gigantic tree to their backs.
[What happened, you “bleep”?! Is that all?! Wuss!]
[I heard you were the strongest tribe! You “bleep”! Even so you were “bleep”!
[Poise your weapons quickly! Are you ”bleep”’s already weak in the knees?!]
They thought it was not the Rabbitman tribe, with how they bombarded the other tribe with
insults. The Bearman tribe which trembled in fear could only think, “What had happened to
these guys!?” With broken spirits, some of them trembled while holding their heads. A big hairy
man said, “Can you let us go?” with teary eyes…. … truly a surreal spectacle.
[KU KU KU, did you have anything else to say? O strongest tribe?]
Kam let out that sarcasm with a truly evil expression. They who had awoken to their fighting
spirit seemed to have thought about their circumstances when they were looked down upon. It
was a speech that couldn’t be heard from the Kam of the past.
Having heard Kam’s objection, Regin’s expression distorted in regret. He somehow recovered
from the confusion and reasoning came back to his eyes. Even though he had been doused
with cold water by Haulia tribe’s strong assault, because of the incapacitated Jin, the flame of
anger still burnt inside of him. But, because he felt a sense of responsibility to bring his surviving
subordinates back alive, he regained his mind. He consciously knew it was his fault that they fell
into such a predicament because he was the one that spurred them on.
[.... … you can do anything to me. Boil me or burn me, just do whatever you like. However, I
was the one who forcibly brought my subordinates. I want you to let them go]
Having heard Regin’s words, his subordinates started to make a commotion. It was because
he tried to save his subordinates in exchange for his own life. To these subordinates, Regin
[Silence! …. … it was my responsibility because of the blood that surged to my head clouded
my eyes. Rabbitman…. … no, Chief of Haulia tribe. I know it is selfish of me. However, I want to
Regin released his weapon then started to kneel while bowing his head. His subordinates knew
of Regin’s great pride as a war
Hajime’s Failure
Regin Banton was a strong man, rumored to be the next Chief of the Banton tribe; one of the
Bearman tribes. He idolized one of the current Elders; Jin Banton, and became his right hand.
Not only Regin, it could be said Jin was popular in the Banton tribe as a whole, especially the
younger ones. The reasons for that being Jin’s character was broad minded, containing deep
patriotism, and above all, his strength, which allowed him to be considered as one of the highest
That’s why, when the Bearman tribe heard the news, they thought it was a bad joke. They
couldn’t believe their beloved Elder had been incapacitated by a human. However, the
merciless reality was proven. Jin, who was lying powerless in medical facility showed them the
Regin was dumbfounded having seen Jin’s current appearance. Next, his anger and
hatred surfaced. While bearing these feelings inside his heart, he pressed to determine the
circumstances from the Elders. As the result, Regin who had learned everything, disregarded
the Elders and told the Bearman tribe everything. And thus they embarked for revenge.
Because of the persuasion from the Elders and other tribes, not all of the Bearman tribe
followed him, only the youngsters from Banton tribe who admired Jin had left to defeat that
hated human. They numbered around 50 people. Regin and the others who knew their enemy’s
objective thought it best to attack when their enemy was in front of the Great Tree as revenge.
They thought, “To perish right before the goal is the best (revenge)”.
After all, their enemies only consists of humans and the Rabbitman tribe. Even though Jin was
defeated, they thought it was because something cowardly, like a surprise attack. They thought
there was nothing to fear of humans who would go mad without a sense of direction deep inside
the Sea of Trees’ fog, even more so for the weak Rabbitman tribe. Regin was an outstanding
person. Normally, he wouldn’t interpret the situation like that. However, currently his eyes were
However, no matter what, even if his eyes were clouded….
Regin screamed in disbelief. The reason; before his very eyes an impossible spectacle was
displayed. The Rabbitman tribe, which was placed at the bottom among other demi-humans,
was cornering the Bearman tribe, which was known as one of the strongest in combat.
[Come on come on come on! Show your fighting spirit! Or else, I will cut you!]
[AHAHAHAHAHA, scream like the pig you are!]
[It’s time to clean this filth! HYAHAHAHAHA HA!]
While the Haulia tribe swung countless fatal, murderous attacks, their loud laughter resounded.
There was no appearance of the Rabbitman tribe which was gentle, peaceful, and above all,
weak in combat. Screams came from the Bearman tribe that desperately try to fight back.
[Shit! The heck is this! Just who the hell are you!!]
[They must not be the Rabbitman tribe!]
They were ambushed by the enemies they wanted to ambush, the Rabbitman tribe that laid in
ambush showed unbelievable power, even among other demi-human races. Arrows and stones
that fly accurately out of nowhere, added to their excellent teamwork. The glee with which they
swung their blades, wearing lunatic expressions, and laughing loudly all the while! All of it gave
birth to violent commotion. In that situation, their specs even exceed the Bearman tribe.
Actually, the Rabbitman tribe wouldn’t be able to compete in a one on one fight against the
Bearman tribe. However, in these past ten days, the Haulia tribe was able to make up the
difference, thanks to the hell-like training.
Originally, the Rabbitman tribe’s specs were lower than the other demi-human races. However,
to survive and avoid battle, they had polished their stealth ability and danger perception. After
As a result, they were able to promptly perceive their enemies’ presences to the point they
could ambush their enemies. It could be said that they are a race with abilities suited for
assassination. However, their innate nature had crushed these advantages.
It could be said, Hajime’s training woke their combat instincts. He single-handedly abused and
cornered them by letting them swing weapons, cut their enemies, and letting them experience
how to evade, without rest. By remembering the speech from senior sergeant Hart**n, as a
result of ten days of severe training, their minds completely became combat oriented. Although
They, who had acquired the aggressiveness to attack without any hesitation, demonstrated
promising combat prowess. Because they thought of the whole tribe as members of one family,
their level of teamwork was high from the get go. With their skillful adjustment of presence, it
demonstrated tremendous effect, along with their teamwork.
In addition, one of the reasons for the Haulia tribe’s high combat prowess was the weapons
made by Hajime, which increased their incompetent attack power.
Each of them wielded two Kodachis, produced with a precise and practiced process, such that
their ultra-thin blades were able to split a grass just by touching it. They were made of Taur ore,
so they were durable. The Haulia tribe also carried disposable throwing knives.
There were also the powerful Slingshots and Crossbows that were made using string with
great elasticity gathered from spider-like demonic beasts in the Abyss. They were made for
the children of the Haulia tribe, since close range battles were still too hard for them. Even
children are able to shoot enemies from the other side of fog, using their search ability while
Even Pal…. … Baltoferd of Certain Death, was completely charmed when shooting his
Crossbow, while showing a sniper-like nature.
[One shot of certain death! ‘DO’ your was head blown off. In the name of “Certain Death”]
Pal…. .. Baltoferd of Certain Death recently gained the habit of saying such things. By the way,
he called himself “Certain Death”. His first habitual saying was [Aim and Shoot!] but it was
stopped by Hajime. He looked so displeased.
Back on topic, the Bearman tribe who fell into a panic were easily defeated without much
resistance by the current Haulia tribe and their numbers fell in no time. Currently half of them
Having heard his subordinate advise him to retreat, Regin was hesitating because of anger from
the incapacitated Jin and his killed subordinates. That hesitation wasn’t missed by the Haulia’s
sniper. To the subordinate called Tonto that tried to advise his lord to retreat once again, an
arrow accurately penetrated his temple.
Because of this Regin and his subordinates were shaken and fell into disorder. Kam and the
others who thought it was a chance, attacked at once.
Arrows came flying from the fog and accurately aimed at their ankles. While distracted by that, a
sharp attack came to reap the head. With an exquisite timing, the person who wanted to kill the
one that shot arrows from the back ran into protruding spikes.
However, perhaps it was because that was their favorite move, a presence suddenly came from
behind, and brought with it a fatal blow. Haulia tribe utilized their presences and teamwork to
make fun of Regin and his subordinates. Regin and his subordinates shuddered at this. They
thought, “Are they really that hetare and weak Rabbitman tribe!?”
The battle dragged on for a while, Regin and his subordinates were finally able to recover
from their confusion while covered in wounds. They were somehow able to stand using their
weapons as support. When the waves of attacks using the exquisite covering fire and teamwork
subsided, all of them were panting. Regin and his subordinates were surrounded by Kam and
the others, after being cornered with a gigantic tree to their backs.
[What happened, you “bleep”?! Is that all?! Wuss!]
[I heard you were the strongest tribe! You “bleep”! Even so you were “bleep”!
[Poise your weapons quickly! Are you ”bleep”’s already weak in the knees?!]
They thought it was not the Rabbitman tribe, with how they bombarded the other tribe with
insults. The Bearman tribe which trembled in fear could only think, “What had happened to
these guys!?” With broken spirits, some of them trembled while holding their heads. A big hairy
man said, “Can you let us go?” with teary eyes…. … truly a surreal spectacle.
[KU KU KU, did you have anything else to say? O strongest tribe?]
Kam let out that sarcasm with a truly evil expression. They who had awoken to their fighting
spirit seemed to have thought about their circumstances when they were looked down upon. It
was a speech that couldn’t be heard from the Kam of the past.
Having heard Kam’s objection, Regin’s expression distorted in regret. He somehow recovered
from the confusion and reasoning came back to his eyes. Even though he had been doused
with cold water by Haulia tribe’s strong assault, because of the incapacitated Jin, the flame of
anger still burnt inside of him. But, because he felt a sense of responsibility to bring his surviving
subordinates back alive, he regained his mind. He consciously knew it was his fault that they fell
into such a predicament because he was the one that spurred them on.
[.... … you can do anything to me. Boil me or burn me, just do whatever you like. However, I
was the one who forcibly brought my subordinates. I want you to let them go]
Having heard Regin’s words, his subordinates started to make a commotion. It was because
he tried to save his subordinates in exchange for his own life. To these subordinates, Regin
[Silence! …. … it was my responsibility because of the blood that surged to my head clouded
my eyes. Rabbitman…. … no, Chief of Haulia tribe. I know it is selfish of me. However, I want to
Regin released his weapon then started to kneel while bowing his head. His subordinates knew
of Regin’s great pride as a war
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