3.4 To sum up, the original ruling granted to the defendant is not in contravention of law. And the appellants' arguments and request to reverse the original ruling are without merits and shall be overruled.
4. In conclusion, the appeal is without merits and pursuant to Article 46, Paragraph 2 of Article 21, and Paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Rules of Non-Litigation Civil Procedure, and Paragraph 1 of Article 495-1, Paragraph 1 of Article 449, and Article 78 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, it is so ordered as the Ruling announced.
Date: October 21st, 2015
Six Division of Civil Court
Presiding Judge Ming-Fa Huang
Judge Yung-Ru Lin
Judge Yun-Chun Sung
The official copy has been certified as identical to the original.
No re-appeal may be taken from this Ruling except it is based on the ground that there is a manifest error in the application of the law. If any party disagrees with the Ruling, a re-appeal may be taken from it, via an advocate commissioned by the appellant only, within ten days from the day following the service of it, and the expense of the re-appeal proceeding, NTD 1,000, shall be paid by the appellant.
October 22nd, 2015
Court Clerk: Pei-Qian Wu