I love my sister very much. She is younger to me. She is the youngest member in our family. I could never imagine the person I would be honoring is someone who I lie to, someone I made cry, someone I laugh at, someone I yell at, someone I stole from, someone I rarely embraced, someone I sometimes secretly wished would die. That person is my older sister.
My sister knows how to forgive and forget. My sister forgives and forgets unintentionally in our fights or arguments. I can remember all the times when we were pulling each other's hair, scratching each other's skin until blood came out, screaming at each other, then our fights usually ended with me, always managing to make her cry. At the end of our fights, we would show the marks of scratches and blood on our skins to each other. We would say "look at what you did." Then we would sit in silence, feeling sorry of what we had done to each other. After a few hours of separation in our rooms, we were best friends again. We delighted in conversations, laughed at our favorite TV shows together, ate ice cream together, danced together, and even played dress up together. Her ability to forgive and forget makes her better than any friend.
My sister knows me better than anyone. She knows how to make me cry, how to make me happy when I am sad. She knows all of my strengths and weaknesses.