Although the total score obtained by the two groups in the post-test signies a statis
tically signicant difference in achievement, yet the detailed result is partially inconsistentwith the total result, which does not mar the authenticity of ndings. In the segments of comprehension, vocabulary and essay writing, there was no signicant statistical difference between the achievements of the two groups. While in the segments of idioms, speaking(general) test, and speaking (contextual) test, the difference between the achievements bythe two groups was signicant (Table 3).
Table 3: Detailed achievement in Post-test
Parts of test Group N M S.D SE(D) t Value Sig.
CG 20 4.75 .79ComprehensionEG 20 4.95 1.00.28 -.70 .486CG 20 2.55 .76VocabularyEG 20 2.45 .60.22 .46 .648CG 20 3.00 1.21IdiomsEG 20 4.30 .92.34 -3.81
CG 20 5.90 .97Essay writingEG 20 6.35 1.42.39 -1.17 .250CG 20 3.45 .69Speaking GeneralEG 20 4.30 .66.21 -4.00
CG 20 3.55 .69SpeakingContextualEG 20 4.45 .60.20 -4.40
The study showed that, if provided with suitable conditions, a better classroom environ-
ment with audio/visual aids like computer, multimedia, OHP, etc., a well-trained and active
teacher with a good command of English using communicative approach to facilitate his/her purpose of teaching can produce better results than teaching through traditional methods.It proves the fact that the CLT approach is more suitable for teaching English as a foreignlanguage than the traditional method (GTM). A partial inconsistency in the segmental result
may be due to the limited treatment period. EG signicantly improved in speaking skill. It proves that using the CLT method improves communicative skills of the learners.
The below table shows the mean attitude score obtained by CG and EG calculated
through a Likert scale with ve points. In the pre-test attitude, CG achieved 96.75 and
EG 95.25, and the difference between two mean scores was 0.72 which was statistically
not signicant at .05 alpha. This indicates that both the groups possessed almost the same
attitude towards learning English language before the treatment period. However, the meanattitude score after the treatment period was 96.95 and 104.65 by CG and EG, respectively,
and the difference between the two mean scores was 0.026 which was statistically signican