In the frame of the FP7 Project entitled: “PROFILES - Professional Reflection Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based
Learning and Education through Science”, in Romania, it was developed and organized an in-service teacher
training program for science teachers, called: “PROFILES - Education through Science”. At the end of the training
program, each teacher developed an educational module that integrates inquiry-based strategies. The modules were
published in the Romanian PROFILES website ( Science teachers, primary and
even preschool teachers were invited to use those IBSE modules in their classroom activities.
Although primary and pre-school teachers are not part of the PROFILES project target group, since inquiry is the
preferred instructional method for elementary science classes (Allen, 2006), primary and even preschool teachers
were invited by the PROFILES Romanian team to use those modules in their classroom activities, after their
adaptations imposed by the students’ age and knowledge background.
To this invitation, in spring 2014, 6 pre-school teachers and 12 primary education teachers have responded. The
teachers have selected as basis PROFILES modules, which are focused on problems appropriate to children age,
proposed by the science teachers for secondary education science classes, and adapted the activities according to the
target group profile (Suduc, Bizoi, & Gorghiu, 2014). In the implementation process, there have been involved 18
teachers (6 pre-school and 12 primary education teachers) and 244 children (50 pre-school and 194 primary students)
at all class levels, except the small group at preschool level.
2.2. Method
In the frame of the FP7 Project entitled: “PROFILES - Professional Reflection Oriented Focus on Inquiry-basedLearning and Education through Science”, in Romania, it was developed and organized an in-service teachertraining program for science teachers, called: “PROFILES - Education through Science”. At the end of the trainingprogram, each teacher developed an educational module that integrates inquiry-based strategies. The modules werepublished in the Romanian PROFILES website ( Science teachers, primary andeven preschool teachers were invited to use those IBSE modules in their classroom activities.Although primary and pre-school teachers are not part of the PROFILES project target group, since inquiry is thepreferred instructional method for elementary science classes (Allen, 2006), primary and even preschool teacherswere invited by the PROFILES Romanian team to use those modules in their classroom activities, after theiradaptations imposed by the students’ age and knowledge background.To this invitation, in spring 2014, 6 pre-school teachers and 12 primary education teachers have responded. Theteachers have selected as basis PROFILES modules, which are focused on problems appropriate to children age,proposed by the science teachers for secondary education science classes, and adapted the activities according to thetarget group profile (Suduc, Bizoi, & Gorghiu, 2014). In the implementation process, there have been involved 18teachers (6 pre-school and 12 primary education teachers) and 244 children (50 pre-school and 194 primary students)at all class levels, except the small group at preschool level.2.2. Method
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