Place the 2-inch foam on top of your drilled coffee table. Cut with a bread knife or electric carving knife, allowing the foam to extend 1 inch beyond the edges of your table. Use the spray adhesive to adhere the foam to your table.
Now, you need to mark where your holes are on your foam. Turn your table on its side. Poke your 6-inch upholstery needle through one hole and through your foam, use a marker to mark the spot on your foam where your needle pokes out.
In order to have a nice, deep tuft you need to create a hole in your foam. This allows the button to sit deeper, and not just on compacted foam. I used a knife to cut a circle around my marker spots, pulling out the foam and exposing the hole in the table.
Drape your quilt batting over all the foam and over the apron of your coffee table. If it won’t stay in place, use a little spray adhesive. Then drape your fabric over top of the batting. {I apologize for not having pictures of these steps! Check out the tutorials above for pictures.}
Now that you have come so far, you need to make your buttons! Using a little bit of your fabric, make buttons using your button kit. These buttons will be in the center of each of your tufts.