Dear K’Padchareepun,
Please let me introduce myself, my name is Thanayot(Mr.) from Toyota Tsusho (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.(TTTC)
I will be the PIC for YSP business which will be start business in near future.
I got the information from our management to fill in the document and return to YSP.
However, there are some point that we would like to clarify ,please kindly reply as below.
1)The attached document(ทะเบียนประวัติผู้ซื้อ/ขาย) has require for the “company stamp with signature”.
However, our company rule is the “company stamp with signature” has to be the company director only.
Our understanding is this data is for system registration , so is it possible to the signature from our Japanese management signature with no company stamp?
2)Please reconfirm the latest YSP contact address.
Due to we got the official document of changed YSP address, but the address on (ทะเบียนประวัติผู้ซื้อ/ขาย) has mention another address.
3)We would like to request for the YSP document for our system registration as below.
-The address on tax invoice(ที่อยู่ในการออกใบกำกับภาษี)
-PP 20 (ภ.พ.20)
-Balance sheet(งบดุล)