Nursing education model
In Singapore, basic RN education is attained through two routes:
3-year diploma programmes for fresh school leavers and ENs
upgrading to be RNs, and 2-year accelerated diploma programmes
for mid-career entrants. Plans are underway for a 3-year
baccalaureate degree programme targeting school leavers. Following
their basic nursing programme, RNs can undertake 1-year
advanced diploma courses to specialize in various clinical fields
such as critical care. Currently, about 13% of RNs in Singapore
have acquired a baccalaureate nursing degree mostly via post-registration
courses offered by Australian universities, compared
with 47% in USA and 32% in Canada (Canadian Institute for
Health Information 2005; Health Resources and Services Administration
2005; B.C. Ang, personal communication, 14 November
By contrast, ENs undergo a 2-year certificate programme
where greater emphasis is placed on technical nursing skills.
Trainees for the EN training programme include fresh school
leavers and mid-career entrants. Qualified ENs have opportunities
to upgrade their skills through structured courses offered by
the employing