Patient satisfactionThe Patient Satisfaction and Perception Form (PSPF) isan instrument that was developed by the authorsbased on a scale reported by Williams (1994). The PSPFis comprised of four main sub-scales; 1. Informationprovision. 2. Involvement in decision-making. 3.Communication processes, and, 4. Treatment processes.Respondents are asked to indicate their level ofsatisfaction to each component on a 100mm visualanalog scale with the anchor points of 0 = very dissatisfiedand 100 = completely satisfied. A trial of the PSPF wasconducted with a number of patients prior to this study togain a sense of the performance of the instrument in theclinical environment. Following some modification tothe PSPF to enhance its clarity it underwent furthertesting and validation prior to its use in this study.The PSPF reliability testing produced a CronbachAlpha of 0.80 (n=142, p<0.01). The PSPF wasadministered at admission, discharge and three monthsfollowing discharge.
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