Grain yield was determined by harvesting two complete central rows (1.5 m 15 m) with a small plot combine, and 300 g of grain was taken from each plot to determine the grain moisture content and to adjust grain yield to 14% moisture (GAC II, Dickey-John, Auburn, IL, USA). Soil NO3 eN levels were determined before planting (Nini) and after harvesting (Nresi) in samples taken at three depths (0e30 cm, 31e60 cm and 61e
90 cm); the NO3eN results are presented as the addition from 0 to 90 cm. Soil NO3 eN were extracted using deionized water and were measured using test strips in a Nitracheck! device calibrated according to the standard procedure.
Grain yield was determined by harvesting two complete central rows (1.5 m 15 m) with a small plot combine, and 300 g of grain was taken from each plot to determine the grain moisture content and to adjust grain yield to 14% moisture (GAC II, Dickey-John, Auburn, IL, USA). Soil NO3 eN levels were determined before planting (Nini) and after harvesting (Nresi) in samples taken at three depths (0e30 cm, 31e60 cm and 61e90 cm); the NO3eN results are presented as the addition from 0 to 90 cm. Soil NO3 eN were extracted using deionized water and were measured using test strips in a Nitracheck! device calibrated according to the standard procedure.
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